Registered Office : Thiruvananthapuram
The trust areas of activities of ECS are (i) non formal energy and environmental education at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education. In the practice of energy and environmental conservation through in the about 2000 nos. of school level Energy Conservation Clubs and Collage levels energy and (ii) information dissemination on energy environment and Sustainable Development (iii) training of technicians and engineers in the practice of energy Conservation (iv) Consultancy and advisory services to educational institutions industries commercial establishments, governmental agencies etc. On energy conservation and renewable energy development (v) Energy Auditing in Public building, industries, commercial establishments and other premises of major energy consumption etc.
As part of own non formal educational efforts we have established 2000 nos. of school level Energy Conservation Clubs (ECC) and college level Energy-Environmental Conservation Clubs(EECC) in Kerala and outside the state.Formation of these clubs has been recognized as significant contribution of ECS to the Sustainable development of the country. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE),Department of power ,Department of Science and Technology Govt of India, Energy Management centre(EMC), Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment,Govt.of Kerala and many other Governmental and non Governmental agencies are providing support to the activities of ECS
Presently the society has 17 organizational unit Chapters including Delhi,Punalur and Coimbatore and we are striving to spread the organization in the places of the country.
Formation of ECSThe idea of starting an organised mass movement for fostering energy conservation in the state was first conceived by Er. P. Sivasankaran in March, 1992. He, along with Dr. G. Pavithran and a few other colleagues in Vaidyuthi Bhavan, K.S.E.Board, Thiruvananthapuram worked towards the organization of this movement. Prof. V.K Damodaran, the then Director, Kerala State Science, Technology and Environment Department, Prof. R.V.G Menon and Dr. P.S Chandramohan have been among those concerned personalities who lent guidance and support to Er. Sivasankaran’s team. These efforts culminated in the formation of Energy Conservation Society (ECS) on 8-7-1992 at VMFT Hall, Thiruvananthapuram with Prof. V.K Damodaran as President, Er. P. Sivasankaran as General Secretary and Er. J. Murali Mohanlal as Treasurer. ECS was formally inaugurated by the then Minister for Electricity, Kerala Sri.P.V.Padmarajan on 5-12-1992 at Institution of Engineers (India) Hall, Thiruvananthapuram.