Energy Conservation Society (ECS) is a premier Non-Governmental Organization working in the Energy sector of Kerala primarily aiming to promote Energy Conservation, Environment protection and Sustainable Development Since 1992. The Society has strong and dynamic leadership and active working chapters in all the 14 districts of Kerala and in Delhi. ECS have core technical and administrative experts and instrumentation for Energy studies, Audit etc. The Society organizes various activities in all sectors like Energy Conservation Clubs in Schools, Colleges and other educational institutions in Kerala, various awareness programmes in domestic, industrial, agriculture, commercial sectors and so on. By joining Energy Conservation Society (ECS) you are a part of the socially committed group with strong stands for the promotion of Energy Conservation, Environmental Conservation Sustainable Development. Your ideas for saving this planet and our civilization can be worked out and shared with the like minded people of the ECS Group. The benefits of joining ECS for an individual and a corporate /Industrial member can be summarized as follows.
Membership in a prestigious and well known National NGO
Free subscription to Newsletters
Certificate and Membership card
Free entry to Seminars & Workshops
Opportunity to work with pioneers in the field
Opportunity to deliver lectures and organize training programmes
Free entry and registration in residential camps
Can involve in industrial Energy Audits
Energy Audit instrumentation Training (Electrical & Mechanical)
Can involve in school/college/Women level energy educational activities